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Public steps

Public step management for projects.

Add public steps

  1. Go to the home page and click the target item.
  2. Click the [Test Data Management] option.
  3. Click the [Public Step] option.
  4. Click the [Add Common Step] button.
  5. Enter the common step name and select the platform.
  6. Click the [Save] button to save the basic information of the public steps.
  7. Click the [Step List] tab.
  8. Click the [Add Step] button.
  9. Select the type of step to add and the related information.
  10. Click the [Submit] button to complete the step addition.
  11. Click the "plus" button in the step list to add the selected step.
  12. Click the [Save] button again.
  13. Public steps are added!

Logical processing associated with steps

It means the logic processing associated with the test step, including the following four types of logic.

  • if: When there is no exception in this step, the sub-step will be executed;

  • eles if: If there is an exception in the previous if conditional step, enter the logical judgment, and execute the sub-step if there is no exception;

  • else: If all the above conditions fail, execute the sub-step;

  • while: Repeat the substep if the condition is ok.

Exception handling associated with steps

It means the processing plan when an exception occurs in this test step, including the following three types of exceptions.

  • Ignore: Ignore the exception and continue execution (exception is not thrown during logic processing);

  • Warning: mark the warning and get the exception screenshot and exception stack, and then continue to execute (no exception is thrown during logic processing);

  • Interruption: mark failures and get exception screenshots, exception stacks and test recordings, and then interrupt execution (exceptions are thrown during logic processing).

View public step details

  1. Go to the home page and click the target item.
  2. Click the [Test Data Management] option.
  3. Click the [Public Step] option.
  4. Click the [View Step] button of the target step.
  5. You can view the details of the public steps.

Edit public steps

  1. Go to the home page and click the target item.
  2. Click the [Test Data Management] option.
  3. Click the [Public Step] option.
  4. Click the [Edit] button of the target step.
  5. Edit the information you need to change.
  6. Click the [Save] button.
  7. Public steps are edited!

Delete public steps

  1. Go to the home page and click the target item.
  2. Click the [Test Data Management] option.
  3. Click the [Public Step] option.
  4. Click the [Delete] button of the target step.
  5. Click the [OK] button again.
  6. The public steps are deleted!
