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Global parameters

Global parameter management for the project.

Usage and built-in parameters

In addition to the user-defined global parameters, Sonic also has some built-in parameters for random data construction.


During the test process, the results of test steps such as [Get Text] can also be stored in temporary parameters, and can be referenced in the same way later to achieve the effect of parameter passing.

randomrandom two-digit numberJohn has {{random}} children.John has 32 children.
timestampcurrent timestamp (13 digits)current timestamp: {{timestamp}}current timestamp: 1675172119000
random[number]Random number with [number] digits (available after v2.3.0)This is a random five-digit number: {{random[5]}}This is a random five-digit number: 32354
random[Number-Number]Randomly draw a digit between [Number] and [Number] (v2.3.0 version available)She spent {{random[100-200]}} yuanShe spent 156 yuan
random[string|string|string...]Randomly extract a string from the string separated by | in [] (*v2.3.0 version available *){{random[hello|123|???]}}hello or 123 or???
The parameter name of the global parameterReplace the text corresponding to the parameter name with the parameter valuehello, {{name}}hello, sonic

Special usage

Generally, global parameters can be assigned to multiple runtime devices with the same parameter name.

Example: The parameter value of the Hello global parameter is 12|13|14. A use case step is 【Input Text】, and the text value is abc{{Hello}}.

Then, when executing the suite, if device coverage is selected, and the execution machines are Android machine A and Android machine B.

When step [Enter text] is executed, Android A will input abc12, and Android B will input abc13.

Add global parameters

  1. Go to the home page and click the target item.
  2. Click the [Test Data Management] option.
  3. Click the [Global Parameters] option.
  4. Click the [Add Global Parameter] button.
  5. Enter the parameter name and parameter value. If there are multiple parameter values, they can be separated by |.
  6. Click the [OK] button.
  7. The global parameters are added!

Edit global parameters

  1. Go to the home page and click the target item.
  2. Click the [Test Data Management] option.
  3. Click the [Global Parameters] option.
  4. Click the [Edit] button of the target parameter.
  5. Edit the information you need to change.
  6. Click the [OK] button.
  7. The global parameters are edited!

Delete global parameters

  1. Go to the home page and click the target item.
  2. Click the [Test Data Management] option.
  3. Click the [Global Parameters] option.
  4. Click the [Delete] button of the target parameter.
  5. Click the [OK] button again.
  6. Global parameters are deleted!
