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Front-end and back-end deployment

This article shows you how to deploy the Server and Client sides of Sonic.

Quick deploy

In this mode, the front and back ends are deployed at one time.

preparatory work: docker-compose, Docker, MySQL

  1. Create a MySQL database. The database name can be customized. Note that the character set is utf8 and the collation rule is utf8_general_ci. If you want MySQL to start with Sonic (not recommended), refer to the Built-in MySQL in docker-compose.yml section at the bottom of this page.
  2. Click here Download the latest version of the zip file to any directory. (If the accelerator link fails, please go by yourself here download)
  3. Unzip and change the information in.env. Do not modify docker-compose.yml file. For details about the env configuration item, see the following table. If your system does not display.env, see the solution at the bottom of the page under FAQs)
  4. Run the following command in the current directory
docker-compose up -d

If you are a user in mainland China and DockerHub access is slow, you can choose one of the following two points for operation:

  • Configuring a Domestic accelerated Mirror Source (Recommended)
  • Run the following command to directly use the accelerator mirror (not recommended, because the accelerator source may be unstable or the network fluctuates. This command is required in the down state docker-compose -f docker-compose-zh.yml down)
docker-compose -f docker-compose-zh.yml up -d
  1. The front and rear ends are deployed!(Due to the Eureka heartbeat mechanism, it takes 3 to 5 minutes for microservices to access each other. Please wait patiently)Open a browser and visit http://localhost:3000,Then you can directly deploy the Agent。
  2. (Attached) If you are experienced operation and maintenance personnel, you can also visit the Eureka page to check the status of each micro-service.

.env configuration item description

SONIC_SERVER_HOSTlocalhost or cannot be used as the ipv4 address of the machine where the sonic-server is deployed. can use domain names.
SONIC_SERVER_PORTThe whole server is exposed to external ports. The default port is 3000. can use 803000
SONIC_EUREKA_USERNAMEUser name for Eureka (For security purposes, the default value is not recommended, but can be changed to any other string, excluding @ and %)sonic
SONIC_EUREKA_PASSWORDEureka password (For security purposes, the default value is not recommended. You can change it to any other string, excluding @ and %)sonic
SONIC_EUREKA_PORTEureka start port (usually no change is required)9090
MYSQL_HOSTThe host of the MySQL service cannot be localhost or
MYSQL_PORTMySQL service port (default 3306)3306
MYSQL_DATABASEData to be used by the Sonic servicesonic
MYSQL_USERNAMEMySQL database user nameroot
MYSQL_PASSWORDMySQL passwordSonic!Hello
SECRET_KEYToken secret key(To improve security, it is not recommended to use the default value, which can be changed to any other string)sonic
EXPIRE_DAYToken expire day14
PERMISSION_ENABLEEnable permission moduletrue
PERMISSION_SUPER_ADMINSuper admin user namesonic
REGISTER_ENABLEEnable register moduletrue
NORMAL_USER_ENABLEEnable normal user logintrue
LDAP_USER_ENABLEEnable LDAP user logintrue
LDAP_USER_IDLDAP user id searchcn
LDAP_BASE_DNLDAP user base dnusers
LDAP_BASELDAP Base DNou=system
LDAP_USERNAMELDAP Base DN admin usernameuid=admin,ou=system
LDAP_PASSWORDLDAP Base DN admin pwdSonic!@#123
LDAP_URLLDAP service URLldap://
LDAP_OBJECT_CLASSLDAP filter class, default personperson

Use your own Eureka

If you have your own Eureka service, you can view this section.

  1. Remove Eureka service from docker-compose.yml .
  2. Replace SONIC_EUREKA_HOST to your own Eureka service from docker-compose.yml .
  3. Replace your own Eureka service info form .env .
  4. Done!

Because MySQL is prone to data loss due to improper operation or data migration risks during Docker mounting, so docker-compose.yml does not come with a MySQL image by default.


This method is not necessarily compatible with all Docker versions, Linux systems and Mysql versions, and the current data should be backed up before operation. Moreover, the MySQL container will be stopped and deleted during the update, so it is recommended to deploy MySQL alone or use the existing MySQL service.

If you want MySQL to start with sonic, you can do the following:

  1. Create the mysql folder in the current directory
mkdir -p mysql/log mysql/data mysql/conf
  1. Change MYSQL_HOST in .env to sonic-mysql
  2. Add the following comment section to docker-compose.yml
version: '3'
    image: "sonicorg/sonic-client-web:SONIC_VERSION"
      - sonic-network
      - sonic-server-gateway
    restart: on-failure
      - "${SONIC_SERVER_PORT}:80"
# ==== MySQL ====
    image: "mysql:5.7"
    hostname: sonic-mysql
    command: mysqld --character-set-server=utf8mb4 --collation-server=utf8mb4_unicode_ci
      - ./mysql/log:/var/log/mysql
      - ./mysql/data:/var/lib/mysql
      - ./mysql/conf:/etc/mysql
      - "3306:3306"
      - sonic-network
# ==== End ====

    driver: bridge
  1. Just execute docker-compose up -d.

Frequently Asked Questions(Q&A)

Q1: The browser accesses the front end without errors, but 【system error】 or 【unknown exception occurred】 appears during registration.

A1: The solution can refer to this post

Q2: Check the log and find that MySQL is not connected, how to solve it?

A2: Mainly divided into a variety of situations:

  • MySQL does not have remote access permissions enabled.
  • Due to the deployment of Docker containers, ip addresses such as or localhost are invalid.
  • Special circumstances such as corporate network restrictions.

The solution can refer to this post.

Q3: At present, the files are mounted in the default directory of Docker, how can they be mounted to a custom file directory?

A3: The solution can refer to this post.

Q4: The Mac system does not see the .env file after decompression, how to solve it?

A4: The solution can refer to this post

Q5: I don't see the .env file after decompressing the Linux system, how to solve it?

A5: You can use the ls -a command to view hidden files


For more questions, please go to 👉Community👈 to communicate
